ComponentOne PdfViewer for WPF and Silverlight
C1.WPF.PdfViewer.4.6.2 Assembly / CSJ2K.j2k.wavelet.analysis Namespace / AnWTFilterInt Class / analyze_lpf Method / analyze_lpf(Int32[],Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32[],Int32,Int32,Int32[],Int32,Int32) Method
This is the array that contains the input signal.
This is the index in inSig of the first sample to filter.
This is the number of samples in the input signal to filter.
This is the step, or interleave factor, of the input signal samples in the inSig array.
This is the array where the low-pass output signal is placed.
This is the index in lowSig of the element where to put the first low-pass output sample.
This is the step, or interleave factor, of the low-pass output samples in the lowSig array.
This is the array where the high-pass output signal is placed.
This is the index in highSig of the element where to put the first high-pass output sample.
This is the step, or interleave factor, of the high-pass output samples in the highSig array.

In This Topic
    analyze_lpf(Int32[],Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32[],Int32,Int32,Int32[],Int32,Int32) Method
    In This Topic
    A specific version of the analyze_lpf() method that works on int data. See the general description of the analyze_lpf() method in the AnWTFilter class for more details.
    Public Overloads MustOverride Sub analyze_lpf( _
       ByVal inSig() As Integer, _
       ByVal inOff As Integer, _
       ByVal inLen As Integer, _
       ByVal inStep As Integer, _
       ByVal lowSig() As Integer, _
       ByVal lowOff As Integer, _
       ByVal lowStep As Integer, _
       ByVal highSig() As Integer, _
       ByVal highOff As Integer, _
       ByVal highStep As Integer _
    public abstract void analyze_lpf( 
       int[] inSig,
       int inOff,
       int inLen,
       int inStep,
       int[] lowSig,
       int lowOff,
       int lowStep,
       int[] highSig,
       int highOff,
       int highStep


    This is the array that contains the input signal.
    This is the index in inSig of the first sample to filter.
    This is the number of samples in the input signal to filter.
    This is the step, or interleave factor, of the input signal samples in the inSig array.
    This is the array where the low-pass output signal is placed.
    This is the index in lowSig of the element where to put the first low-pass output sample.
    This is the step, or interleave factor, of the low-pass output samples in the lowSig array.
    This is the array where the high-pass output signal is placed.
    This is the index in highSig of the element where to put the first high-pass output sample.
    This is the step, or interleave factor, of the high-pass output samples in the highSig array.
    See Also